Read Alexis' story of how she was set free from demonic strongholds and now walks in a new authority as a daughter of Jesus Christ ..........
In September 2023 I was in church listening to a message on trauma. At the end of the message, there was an opportunity to go forward to receive prayer. I was sitting in my seat extremely uncomfortable, knowing I needed to be up the front, and the altar call couldn’t come quickly enough. I was squirming in my seat, moving from side to side. I went forward for prayer, was prayed for, and felt like; “was that it”, surely there was more to it than that!
That was the start of an unravelling. I wasn’t sure whether I needed counselling or deliverance; so I signed up for both.
I started counselling in September and went for about 10 sessions which was great groundwork in preparation for the lead-up to my deliverance prayer at Freedom & Fire.
I wasn’t really sure what to expect, I went in kind of nervous, but adamant I was coming out changed and free. It was truly a life-changing experience. The women ministering were amazing and all the messages that came through from people interceding on my behalf were such a blessing.
I can now walk with more conviction; with the authority He has given me as his daughter.
I am so grateful to be able to receive this ministry, and for everyone involved, for their time and heart to see people set free through the name of Jesus!